Electrical Repairs Should Be Done by Licensed Electricians

Electrical Repairs Should Be Done by Licensed Electricians

There’s a lot to admire about learning DIY skills to repair and maintain your home. However, electrical repairs do not fall under this category for a few reasons:
• Risk of personal injury or death
• Risk of causing wider electrical problems or electrical fires
• Risk of legal prosecution when not using authorized electricians in San Antonio
• Insurance violations
• Risk of failed inspections when selling a property

Working with professional electricians San Antonio is the best way to ensure safe and legal electrical repairs. Here’s how you could put yourself and others at risk by performing amateur electrical repairs.

1. Injury or Death

A current of 0.007 amps passing through the body for a few seconds can kill a person. Even if not fatal, it can cause debilitating long-term injuries.
Most U.S. homes have a current of 100-200 amps provided to them through the mains. You do the math.
Performing electrical repairs is unsafe unless you’re a trained professional with the proper protective equipment. Don’t put yourself at risk: call our electricians in San Antonio for your Texas electrical services.

2. Faulty Wiring

If you try to fix a problem with your home’s electrics yourself, you risk leaving faulty wiring behind. Faulty wiring is the leading cause of electrical fires in the U.S., causing over 500 deaths per year.
It’s not always as simple as connecting wires of the same color together, whatever you might have seen on TV. Professional electricians complete over 140 hours of study and 2,000 hours of on-the-job training for a reason, and it’s not color coordination.

3. Legal Prosecution

By Texas state law, you need training and licensing to call yourself an electrician in San Antonio. Performing repairs yourself could land you in legal trouble, and not just if botched repairs cause damage to someone else’s property as a result of fire or mishaps.
Forget that your brother-in-law ‘knows a thing or two about home electrics.’ The law is unambiguous regarding the penalties for performing repairs without being a licensed electrician in Texas.

4. Insurance Violations

If your home has sustained damage (for example, by an electrical fire), your insurance company will want evidence of licensed electricians in San Antonio performing the repairs. If you cannot provide this, the provider may reject your claim.
Electrical work not covered by insurance can cost you exponentially more than the cost of hiring professional electricians in San Antonio to conduct your electrical repairs.

5. Failed Inspections

When you sell your home, the buyer will enlist an inspector to check the electrics. If your electrics fail this check, and you can’t show that the work was from a licensed professional, you could incur costs for further investigation (such as checking behind the drywall).
Unlicensed repairs could also mean you can’t sell your home. It’s simply not worth the risk.
Conclusion: Hire Professional Electricians San Antonio
Our electricians have trained to the highest standard, and we will always provide a courteous, understanding service when we fix your home electrics. The cost is negligible compared to what amateur repairs could cost you in the future. Call us today to discuss the services we can offer you.

Published first here: https://goodelectricsa.com/electrical-repairs-should-be-done-by-licensed-electricians/

Outdoor Lighting for Security Reasons

Outdoor Lighting for Security Reasons

Regarding security lights, it’s easy to see why they are beneficial for businesses and neighborhoods—but what about your home?
Security lighting for your home has great benefits, but it has become more necessary than ever. Due to the number of home invasions and outdoor household accidents that occur, residential security lighting is a quality investment for your home and family.
As electricians in San Antonio, we frequently help residents install outdoor security lights. Here are some of the most important benefits of installing outdoor lighting for your home.
Why Have Outdoor Security Lights?
The most critical reason homeowners should consider outdoor lighting is for protection against burglars. There are about 2.5 million burglaries a year, making home invasion one of the most common crimes in the United States.
However, your home is less likely to be a target with an efficient lighting system. Outdoor lights illuminate your backyard, driveway, patio, and other outdoor areas. If your surroundings are bright, intruders can’t conceal themselves as well.
Security lights have a few safety benefits:
• Protection from home invasions
• Prevention of outdoor residential accidents
• Neighborhood security
Timed Lights
Burglars and intruders typically plan out what house to break into, studying a neighborhood and your family’s schedule. One way to deter an intruder from breaking into your home is by installing lights with customized timers.
Timing your lighting to mimic human activity will make intruders uncertain whether someone is home. It is beneficial if you’re away on vacation or a weekend trip.
You can set your lighting system to come on at a particular time, even if you’re not home. You can program the system around eating and sleeping schedules so that lights come on several times a day or night.
Motion Sensitive Lights
Timed lights can be a helpful deterrent—unless a burglar figures out your schedule. One way to account for this potential vulnerability is to install a backup system of motion-sensitive lights.
Lights, in general, are an effective deterrent—take it from the mouths of former burglars who cite lighting as one reason they stayed away from some homes.
Motion-sensitive lighting accomplishes two critical things. They help stun a predator and light up the width and length of an area. Motion sensor lights are bright, some reaching up to 100 feet away. These lights also have settings that allow them to remain on for a set amount of time.
It’s also more likely that you and your family won’t get injured while outside at dusk or nighttime if you have outdoor lighting. Security lights help ensure that tasks such as taking out the trash, going to the car, or even hosting outside events don’t become hazardous.
If you’re looking to improve your home security with quality lighting, call our electricians in San Antonio. Our company is certified and reliable and provides 24/7 service for San Antonio, Texas.
Call us today to get information about our services, and feel free to ask us any questions. We look forward to serving you!

Published first here: https://goodelectricsa.com/outdoor-lighting-for-security-reasons/

How To Become A Master Electrician

How To Become A Master Electrician

The master electrician belongs to the elite of an extraordinarily skilled trade, and a professional in this field usually owns his own contracting business or works as a supervisor. Master electricians are responsible for maintaining and installing the complex wiring and circuitry which brings power to all the electrical devices people use daily in factories, offices, or homes. Becoming a professional in this field involves a lot of studying, but it mainly requires years of experience and on-the-job training. Today’s primary growth areas for professionals in this field are in applications that involve operating and installing computer-based audio, video, and data-processing systems. We will tell you more about becoming an electrician of this level, so read this article further.

Starting With High School Courses

The education for this profession starts as early as high school. A person interested in this profession should take high-school physics, mathematics, and blueprint reading courses or work with electrical components. Computer science courses are also a big plus of knowledge for a future professional in this field because computer-based wiring and infrastructure are becoming a big part of the work an electrician must do. After high school, completing a two-year associate’s degree in electronics is recommended at a technical school or a community college. Classes used to be a part of apprenticeships before. Still, most aspiring electricians today begin with a program of mathematics courses, electrical theory (physics), electronics, and building and safety codes. Placement programs and internships are a huge advantage in the electrician training process.

The Apprenticeship

The person who wants to become a master electrician must complete an apprenticeship to become a licensed electrician. It generally requires two years to complete that program if the classroom work has been finished, and it takes four years otherwise. Apprenticeship programs are supervised and sponsored by organizations like the National Association of Contractors and the International Brotherhood of Electricians, which creates many opportunities for finding a job with a recognized electrical contractor. After completing the apprenticeship, the individual must take an exam to obtain an electrician’s license. All states of the USA require the electrician to pass a written test to be licensed successfully. There isn’t a standardized national test, so everyone should check with their apprenticeship supervisor to study and arrange to take that exam.

Becoming A Master Electrician

An ambitious and well-trained electrician shouldn’t stop after getting the license, and they should continue their education on the job to earn the electrical engineering Bachelor of Science degree. The requirements for becoming a master electrician vary between states. Still, the electrician needs either a college degree or seven years of experience to be eligible to take the master electrician exam. Some states also have requirements for a separate test for becoming a contractor. The education process doesn’t stop after obtaining the master’s license. The electrician will need constant education to keep up with the changes in building codes and the regulations of the field. This field changes fast and require awareness of those changes, but it can yield a higher salary due to higher education.

Published first here: https://goodelectricsa.com/how-to-become-a-master-electrician/

4 Things to Look Out For When Selecting an Electrician for Your House

The choice of hiring a good electrician takes time. In case you want to undertake some electrical work in your house, it is advisable to get quality electrical service. It is advisable to choose an electrician carefully to avoid wasting money and time. The cheapest prices and lower qualified electricians are not always the best option. Electrical work performed in your home needs an electrician you can trust. To reduce chances of employing an incompetent electrician, consider the following factors:

· Research & recommendations

You will discover that there are many electricians available in the industry. Therefore, it is important to find an electrician from your locality. Consider getting details of at least three to four electricians who can perform the type of electrical work you want done. Contact all the electricians and make arrangements for them to make quotes for the work. You need to be clear concerning what you want, thus, consider asking for a quotation and written specifications.

In case you are having problems finding electricians you can ask your friends, relatives and/or colleagues to recommend someone. There opinion is invaluable. Having knowledge that they have in the past had positive experiences with a particular electrician is good endorsement. In case you are not successful in getting recommendation you can consider requesting for references from electricians.

· License and insurance

It is important to hire the services of a licensed electrician. A license offers a guarantee that the electrician has undertaken the necessary courses as well as practical work to undertake the job correctly and safely. Therefore, it is important to ask for their license and ensure it is current. In case you are looking for a lighting design, make sure the license covers this type of work. It is equally important to ensure the electrician has the necessary insurance. Request for copies of the current policies and ensure the policies have not expired.

· Cost of the service

Consider getting at least 4 quotes. Make sure to communicate the kind of work that you require. The electrician should be in a position of giving you a quote that shows the breakdown of prices to help with comparing quotes. However, choosing electricians based solely on price is unwise because they are more important factors to consider.

· Qualifications and experience

Electricians vary and therefore you will be in a position to find one with extra qualifications and many years of experience in different aspects of electrical work. Some of the electrical contractors have accreditation. To choose the right electrician, make sure they have several years of experience and a warranty on workmanship.

Preventing Electrical Problems With Routine Electrical Services

Preventing Electrical Problems With Routine Electrical Services

Too many homeowners don’t hire routine electrical services. They think that maintenance either costs too much or just isn’t necessary. So, they try to save a few bucks by forgoing it altogether.
But, we can assure you that neglecting routine electrical services is one of the worst mistakes you can make. It will only lead to stress, expensive repairs, and other problems down the line.
Read on to learn more about why you should hire routine electrical services. As experienced electricians in San Antonio, we’ve seen firsthand how homeowners benefit from regular maintenance.

Protect Your Devices

When your system isn’t functioning properly, it can damage your devices. This risk is especially prevalent when you face constant circuit overloads.
Over time, your devices may face burned cords or other types of damage. Whatever the case may be, you may end up having to replace your devices sooner than you would need to. It’s inconvenient and can cost you a lot of money. But, through routine electrical services, you can avoid this kind of damage in the first place.

Increase Efficiency

Regular maintenance can also increase the efficiency of your home. Your devices will have the proper power supply to operate to the best of their abilities. In turn, you’ll have a better user experience and save money on your electric bills.

Prolong the Life of Your Current System

Your current system is bound to break down over time. But, with the help of an electrician in San Antonio, you can prolong the life of your current system. You’ll put off the need for replacements and get the most out of your investment.

Avoid Expensive Repairs

During routine inspections, an electrician in San Antonio can catch minor issues before they turn into big problems. Their expertise will help you immediately address these issues and avoid expensive repairs down the line.

Reduce Downtime

Your family requires electricity for a variety of things — getting work done, finishing a school paper, watching TV, etc. Regardless, there’s nothing more frustrating than power outage interruptions.
Of course, you have no control over some outages. Power issues are often the fault of utility companies or severe weather.
But, the good news is that you can prevent outages that originate in your home. Routine maintenance will maximize the ability of your system to run smoothly, 24/7.

Protect Your Family

Most importantly, regular maintenance can protect your family from electrical shocks, fires, and other dangers of a malfunctioning system.

The Importance of Choosing Our Company

As we’ve demonstrated, routine electrical services come with many benefits. They can save you money while protecting your home and family. But, you shouldn’t choose just any electrician in San Antonio. You will need a qualified company with years of experience.
Providers like Good Electric offer comprehensive services at affordable rates. Our team dedicated itself to providing high-quality results and always prioritizes customer satisfaction. Contact us today to learn more!